So, the blog has started and it's Colin's mom writing the first post. Maybe just to boast a bit about Colin having such a great opportunity to go to Japan and about how fortunate we all feel that he made it through the selection process.
The process started with him applying, then writing an essay about why he should be considered for the program. The essay had to be written after school - at the school, with Mrs. Klein in attendance. It needed to highlight all of the reasons that he would be a good candidate for the trip. After his essay was selected, he moved on to personal interviews with members of the Marlborough Community. A number of community members interviewed all of the students and then made their selection. Colin was a lucky individual who made it through the writing assignment and then the interview and was selected for this special opportunity. We are thrilled! He has been working with his fellow travelers to raise funds toward the trip. The fundraising will continue into the beginning of the school year. He has been so excited about the upcoming trip to Akiruno that he has even been studying Japanese over the Summer. Now that's a commitment! So, here we go!